Sustainability data points
Sustainability data points
Sustainability data points

We make sustainability reporting and sustainable food production easier and simpler by enriching product data with sustainability scores, using the latest scientific methods and standards.

To implement CSR strategies many companies lack reliable data. This makes it difficult to be transparent and guide better decision-making. This data is not only crucial for measuring and calculating impact but also for building sustainable trajectories for the future.

At FoodFacts, we understand the importance of trusted data points.

Our CO2 estimation calculator

We have built a tool to automate the CO2 estimates for the whole industry at product-level.

We have used machine learning and other AI technologies to develop a unique automated approach to replicate the process of full life-cycle analysis. Our algorithms index products down to ingredient level, and estimate the volume of each ingredient.

Each ingredient is then given its own carbon footprint based on hypotheses of country of origin. By using models and an algorithm developed with expertise from Stockholm Resilience Centre our tool then estimates the emissions from production, transport, and packaging.

The result is an instant CO2 calculation for any category of food products which can be refined with further information from producers.

FoodFacts CO2 calculator

Explore the possibilities

Quick & automated

It's a quick and automated solution that covers a wide range of products from various brands from all food and beverage categories. We currently offer this solution on over 29.000 products, providing a comprehensive coverage of most sold products in Sweden.

Quick & automated

It's a quick and automated solution that covers a wide range of products from various brands from all food and beverage categories. We currently offer this solution on over 29.000 products, providing a comprehensive coverage of most sold products in Sweden.

Granular estimates

Thanks to an activity-based approach our estimates are very close compared to full LCA estimates and allow for comparison between products in same categories.

Automatically updated data

Automatically updated data that seamlessly integrates recipe changes in the products as well as updates and improvements in carbon footprint primary data.

Compare products

Possibility to compare the carbon footprint of products, as the same calculation algorithm is applied to all products.

No complex integration

There's no complex integration needed for our cloud-based solution and it is readily accessible to our clients.

Developed together with experts

Developed in collaboration with recognized experts and compliant with international standards. We use public or NGO sources to provide reliable data for our calculations. Our CO2 footprints follow ISO standards 14040 and 14044, and our methodology is SBTi (Science-Based Target Initiative) compliant.

Our methodology

Our CO2 calculator is constructed using globally recognized and trusted primary sources of information. Our methodology was established with expertise from Stockholm Resilience Center and we continually work on improving it further with the latest from science. We have also used expertise from RISE through the RISE Climate Database for Food and have incorporated data from other international sources such as Agribalyse, FAOSTAT, and the International Energy Agency.

We have developed our method to calculate CO2e emissions within the boundaries "cradle-to-gate". This means it takes into account the environmental impact of food products from the agricultural/farm stage to the distribution plant, where the product is packaged and ready to be transported to retailers.

Our data sources follow ISO standards 14040 and 14044 and FoodFacts CO2 data can be used to evaluate the Scope 3 product-related GHG emissions as part of the SBTi requirements.


Palm oil free

Soy free

Locally produced

Fairly produced

Other sustainability indicators

In our platform you can also access other sustainability indicators such as “locally produced” and “fairly produced” based on third party certifications such as Fairtrade and many others.

Automated ingredient detectors enable tags such as palm-oil free, soy-free etc. Our portal for third-party certifications allows organizations to enter factual information about their certifications, specifying the scope and benefits of each certification depending on the product.

Other indicators such as water impact (usage/pollution), biodiversity impact, chemical pollution and packaging are under development and will be available soon.

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FoodFacts Sverige AB

Norrsken House

Birger Jarlsgatan 57C

113 56 Stockholm

Org. nr.559054-2295

Copyright © FoodFacts 2023

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FoodFacts Sverige AB

Norrsken House

Birger Jarlsgatan 57C

113 56 Stockholm

Org. nr.559054-2295

Copyright © FoodFacts 2023