About our data
About our data

Intelligent food data

At FoodFacts, we turn standard industry data into intelligent food data thanks to our AI and algorithms.

We start by interpreting and indexing every single product down to ingredient level. We then cross-check and assign tags such as vegan, halal, low-sugar or even customized tags. We then automate calculations and combine it with other public and scientific data sources to create robust new data points.

We work with health and sustainability experts in their fields to build and validate our methodologies. This new intelligent data on our cloud platform can then be used to drive better business decisions and enable better food consumption.

FoodFacts proprietary algorithms and AI

FoodFacts algorithms include: ingredient interpretation and indexing, volume estimation, ingredient pairing, allergen identification for over 100 allergens and more. This approach allows for high flexibility and customization in our solutions and makes the food data both accessible and actionable.

We have even developed a unique method to automate CO2 calculations.

FoodFacts ingredients database

Every product in FoodFacts’ platform is indexed down to ingredient level, and our ingredient database contains information on all ingredients found in Swedish food products and includes extensive categorizations and details for each ingredient. Having all product information down to ingredient-level enables FoodFacts to automate lifestyle tagging, nutritional tags etc.

Our database is built based on Livsmedelsverket's (The Swedish Food Agency) index in the Livsmedelsdatabasen (The Food database) and includes data on nutrition values sourced from both national and international authorities like EFSA and FDA. We have filed over 7500 ingredients, of which 3000 are primary ingredients.

Our data sources

Our platform includes data sources like standard industry data from GS1 Sweden/Validoo, public data from Swedish organizations like Livsmedelsverket (The Swedish Food Agency) and RISE, NGOs like Fairtrade and KRAV, and international public databases like Agribalyse.

Automated calculations

We automate calculations such as Nutri-Score, NOVA score or even customer-specific product scores. Our new CO2 calculator is based on FoodFacts' proprietary algorithms, which structure ingredient lists and estimate ingredient volumes.

To develop scientifically-based hypotheses for carbon footprint calculations, FoodFacts has collaborated with experts from the Stockholm Resilience Centre. Additionally, we have collaborated with RISE through the RISE Climate Database for Food, and also incorporated data from other international sources.

Enriching data with third-party certifications

Our portal for third-party certifications allows organizations such as KRAV and Fairtrade to enter factual information about their certifications, ensuring that correct information is directly communicated to consumers.

Our cloud-based B2B platform

Our cloud-based B2B platform is a comprehensive collection of databases, data processing algorithms, and user tools that work together seamlessly to provide reliable and in-depth data.

We offer a market-leading deep inspection of product composition that includes ingredient identification, distribution of ingredients, origin, and certifications.

Our database hosts information about over 235,000 products in Sweden, over 25,000 products fully indexed and quality-approved by our data quality team.

The database is accessible via API and user GUI and is updated daily.

Total number of products in our database*


*our database is updated daily with the latest product launches

Our approach to data quality

At FoodFacts, we ensure data quality through a combination of manual and algorithmic data processing, expert consultations in various fields such as nutrition and carbon footprint calculations.

Our data quality team not only ensures algorithms are working correctly, but also regularly adds new ingredients to our database. Our network of experts and scientists, including our Scientific Advisory Board, review the scientific research used in our platform.

Our commitment to providing top-quality data sets us apart in the industry.

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All rights Reserved.

FoodFacts Sverige AB

Norrsken House

Birger Jarlsgatan 57C

113 56 Stockholm

Org. nr.559054-2295

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All rights Reserved.

FoodFacts Sverige AB

Norrsken House

Birger Jarlsgatan 57C

113 56 Stockholm

Org. nr.559054-2295

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All rights Reserved.

FoodFacts Sverige AB

Norrsken House

Birger Jarlsgatan 57C

113 56 Stockholm

Org. nr.559054-2295

About us